Thursday, April 26, 2007

American Idol Gives Back????

Ok, I don't know if it's me and my cynical mind or what. I was watching this show with Trink last night, and just got so frustrated and annoyed. I see all of these self-righteous Hollywood folk on T.V. begging for money from "us". I'm annoyed because they sit in their 12 bedroom mansions up on hills and behind gates and are surrounded by so much excess that they don't know what to do. So they come on T.V. and pretend to be concerned and guilt us into sending our last few dollars to make a difference.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for making a difference and actually helping people. I just have a problem with celebrities making as much money as they do and acting like they actually give a shit. 1/3 of one of Simon Cowell's paycheck could (according to Ryan Seacrest) send 100's of children in Africa to school. Write the damn check Simon! Sign over one of your paychecks! Ryan, Paula, Randy! All you idiots!

Granted I heard at last count they had actually raised $30 million. I just hope all of the money actually goes to help those really in need.

I suppose it just really irks me when I hear that it takes $200 to send an African child to school for the year and yet you go and visit them with bottled water, and $400 shirts and giant gold rings and a frikkin $100 ball cap. I just don't get it. Publicity? Ratings?

UGH! I just can't handle the hypocrisy! Instead of bringing them bubbles or toys or candy. Bring them something they can USE! Like decent housing or a clean water system. Good Lord!

PLECH! I think I'm done with the rant I was just really annoyed last night.

Peace ya'll!

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