Thursday, May 31, 2007

New Beginning....

Why is it so hard to say what we are really thinking? I mean seriously? What's the big deal? It's 12:45am right now and I'm feeling stiffled by my beliefs. I probably shouldn't be blogging but there ya go! What is it that makes me censor myself?

Why do I feel like, if I express myself a certain way, I'm gonna have the wrath of so many people on me? Why do I care?

Gonna start being more honest.

Peace ya'll!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Gonna have fun tonight!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Learning to Forgive....

Eph 4:31-32 (Phi) Let there be no more bitter resentment or anger, no more shouting or slander, and let there be no bad feeling of any kind among you. Be kind to each other, be compassionate. Be as ready to forgive others as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.

I hope that some day my heart will learn these lessons...

Peace ya'll

Friday, May 04, 2007

Leaking Juices.....

Ugh you guys are durty! My creativity is slowing leaking out of my brain. I started this "painting" a day project in January and sometimes I wonder... "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" I was thinking that just THIS would happen.

Stumped, Vashimmeled! I've got Skooty....(that's nothing)

There is so little to be inspired by sometimes and I notice that the spinning of the planet doesn't help. My world is so narrow and so encapsulated....... hmm....and idea is's working it's way through.....

We'll see what happens.

Let us stream of conciously write and see what happens? I will try it and when I make an ass of myself, promise thatyou will laugh heartily!

Peace ya'll!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Totally Forgot to Post this...

Ok, so I think I mentioned it before, my oldest brother is a Miami-Dade Police Officer. He called me last week to tell me this story about his 4yr old daughter Natasha. Let me set this up for you.

Gordie (that's my brother) and his family, wife Yami, Natasha and son Jake were going to the Miami Seaquarium. The kids had been given granola bars to snack on during the ride there. apparently Natasha likes to compete with her 1 yr old brother Jake and decided that whoever had eaten their bar the fastest was the winner.

I don't think Jake really cared or even knew that he was in a race. Natasha had finished her granola bar first and raised her hands in triumph!

"I win!" she yelled.

Yami: "Wow Natasha, how did you finish that so fast?" (wait for it.....)

Natasha : "I wasn't dickin around!"

Stunned silence and then the sound of Yami smacking my brother for saying these things around his daughter.

Needless to say, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing, becaus eI can't tell you how many times I've warned my brother that children are little sponges and will repeat things that you say in the most embarassing situations.

I don't think Gordie will really change the way he talks around his kids. He just can't help himself. No sooner did he tell me this story than he told me about another occasion.

Natasha was being sent to her room for something that she did. Her mom was not happy with her. As she stomped past Gordie, he heard her mumble under her breath.

"What a bunch of bullshit."

So, my friends the lesson today is, be careful what you say around the kids. It WILL come around and bite you in the behind us!

Peace ya'll!