Friday, June 29, 2007

Is it just me???

Do any of you watch So you think you can dance? Does anyone else think that Mary Murphy looks like Rosie and Marie's love child??? lol
I swear I can't look at her without thinking that there was a drunken night between those two!!

lol!! I just had to share!!

Peace ya'll!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

....Floating....Or Space and what it feels like.....

Talk about strange. I was launched into the air by some sort of rocket. They pushed me out the door and told me to remember to do at least 2000 flips before landing back on Earth. I wasn't wearing a space suit. So I flip, flip, flip, and I realize, I'm all alone. Flip... flip.....flip.....I sound. I try and sing, flip..... flip...... flip....I can't hear anything. I try to look around as I flip....but can see nothing. It's endlessly dark, flip...flip...flip...

I begin to think about being all alone above the Earth.... flip...flip...flip.... I don't even want to be an astronaut. Flip...flip...flip.... Holy crap! I hate heights... flip..flip..flip..flip... I start to panic as I am flipping. Flip..flip..flip. I am flipping out of control. Flipflipflipflipflip. Much too quickly, I see the Earth rushing closer.... flipflipflipflip...flip...flip...

I'm of center...I'm gonna's soo dark.....i wish there was a light....I wish I wasn't alone....

Where the hell are my shoes?!?!?!

Peace ya'll!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Ok, this is gonna be a weird one. I keep having these recurring dreams about marijuana. I have NO idea why. I have NEVER (really) NEVER smoked the stuff. For some reason tho, I keep having dreams about NEEDing it. WHAT is up with that? Seriously? I am a little concerned.

I know people who've smoked, I've SEEN people smoke. I just don't understand why I sometimes dream about it. It's very disconcerting.

Ok, just thought I'd get that off my chest.

Peace ya'll!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Feelin......funky today.

MySpace Icon Collage

Some of the things I need to say to myself....and

Friday, June 08, 2007


The public outcry of "INJUSTICE!!! CELEBRITY JUSTICE! MONEY CAN BUY YOU ANYTHING!!" Were apparently heard by all involved with the media. What a firestorm followed the release of and subsequent re-jailing of this "poor, little, rich girl."
I have to admit that I watched like a bad accident as paparazzi, and legit news outlets buzzed around the outside of her home. I asked myself, "why am I watching this circus? I can't even stand this girl!" and that in itself was my answer. She gets under my skin and rubs my sense of justice the WRONG way.
I watched hoping she would go back to jail serve her time and learn something about what it means to be a human being.
I heard so much about her being sad, and hysterical and sans moisturizer. Jail is NOT supposed to be fun! It's supposed to make you feel like crap, so that you won't want to go back. It's supposed to make you say, "Hey, I better tighten up and get straight!"
I don't understand her appeal, I don't think little girls should look up to her. She is a sad commentary on what we as a country are interested in. There is a war going on where people are dying and we are transfixed by this useless waste of space. UGH! I need a life!!!!
Go to jail PARIS!!! DO your time and next time, DON'T do the crime.
Peace ya'll!

That's F@#!ed up!

Paris Hilton Released from Jail Posted on June 7, 2007 (EST)
Socialite and Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton
has been released from jail after only 3 days.
I can hardly wait for all the other prisoners to claim they aren't well enough to serve their sentences. Can you imagine the frikkin uproar?
Paris was reportedly not coping well behind bars. She cried through most of her 23 hours in jail everyday, had three blankets but no pillow, and complained that jail noises and her bright cell are keeping her awake.
Uh....Boo-FUCKIN-Hoo??? How many "REGULAR" people have cried in jail? She's uncomfortable?!?!? So is everybody else! What the hell is this country coming to? Since when is it part of the deal for jail to be comfortable? Isn't that the point of jail? So that when you go you are encouraged to NOT commit the same stupid crimes again? I mean honestly. WTF?!?!?!?
Things like this really get under my skin. It's sickening to know that if you have enough money and are in enough newspapers, magazines and bullshit you get special treatment. If I thought it would make a difference, I would get a petition going. Oooh someone did...
Peace ya'll!

Monday, June 04, 2007

satisfying news.....

Ahhh....the sweet sound of a moron...going to jail.

For some reason I am getting such joy out of knowing that at least one idiot is gonna be off the streets tonight!! lol I am so sick of celebrities and pseudo "celebrities" getting away with shit the rest of us would never get away with!

I can only hope that her stay in "jail" is miserable. What a waste of air.

Peace ya'll!!