Monday, January 30, 2006

~~Systematic Desensitization ~~

Yeah for therapy!! This is what my therapist and I are working on. Started back up on Satruday. Apparently I'm a control freak. Who knew that my panic disorder stemmed from me needing to be in control of my environment. So Thursday she said I should walk to my apartment with my puppy. She's only about a block away. Now, all I can think about is walking there and not being able to call Katrina. Lori...(my therapist) told me that I was NOT ALLOWED to call Katrina if I started panicking on the way there. I am to call her. So, now that's all I can think about.

How is this helping my panic? I have no idea....but it's helpful that i'm aware of what I'm feeling right??? Right....sure....

Peace ya'll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it is any help I know you can do it.....

"In systematic desensitization, individuals overcome anxieties by learning to relax in the presence of stimuli that had once made them unbearably nervous and afraid. First, patients are taught how to relax their muscles completely. Then, very gradually, anxiety-producing stimuli are introduced. As the patients learn to relax in the presence of these stimuli, stronger anxiety-arousing stimuli are added, until the patients are no longer made anxious by the original objects that caused them to seek help."