Thursday, November 03, 2005

OH! THAT Hurricane

HOLY CRAP!!!!! I don't even know where to start. Hurricane Wilma came through here and blew everything around us to SHIT! We lost power on Monday night (Oct 24th) at 7a.m. We took this instride no big deal. Our thoughts subsisted of "Will that branch come through the kitchen window?", "Will our windows hold?", "How many games of monopoly can two people play?".

We listend to Bryan Norcross tell us that Broward County would be sustaining the worst weather....and wouldn't you know, that smack dab, right in the middle of Wilma's path is me. We remained calm, unshaken. I told myself, 'I lived through Andrew, I can handle this.' Hours passed, seeming like days. The wind howled and shook and tried to tear our roof off....(it did in some places). Our apartment remained unscathed. In the end the only damage we had was to our front door. Water leaked in and made it soggy. No problem. We were alive..that's what matter..... I looked out my kitchen the DEATHTRAP, there, it remained a staunch sentinel refusing to budge. No surprise here. I had hoped that it would have been destroyed in the winds...taken away to a place where elevators that refuse to do they're jobs are tortured endlessly by working consistently. But I digress....

With the power out we played board games and listened to the radio. Watched dvd's on our portable player. Our management came by to assess the damage... we had none, they took notes. Friday came and we still had no power. We were not concerned, we were able to get food and water....we needed gas and waited in line for 2 and 1/2 hrs to fill up. We were happy to do it! My big brother called to let me know that he had power in Miami-Dade and we should come down and do laundry and have a hot shower! So Saturday morning, first thing we packed up and drove on down...happy as could be. We did our laundry, had hot showers, and ate our first hot meal in days....We left his house about beat the curfew of 11p.m.... dooo dooo dooo!! We were happy happy.... as we trudged up stairs we passed some neighbors... "Hey guys, are you okay? Able to stay in your apartment?"
"No, they put us up in the Holiday Inn...we're going there until they're done."
"Okay, take care..." Doo dooo dooo!! Home again...lalalalalal....

I open the door to our undamaged, electric-free apartment.....and what do I find???.... That's right people.......they came in and tore down walls, and ceiling, and our bathroom was torn to pieces....WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!!!!!?!?!?!?!?

I'm astonished and can hardly catch my breath. The apartment that had sheltered us so well through the storm and ALL week was now a SHELL of it's former self........

The saga and what followed will continue tomorrow.....TUNE IN!! I'm back......

PEACE Ya'll!

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