Wednesday, March 12, 2008


i am trying so hard to improve my life, my health, my emotional and mental well-being. I have made great strides in the past week. I have had a couple of bumps, but mostly I've been strdiging forward. I know I am in a battle with my will. I am in a battle for my happiness. I am fighting satan at every turn. He is using all of his tricks and roadblocks to get in and get me off track. I am refusing to let him. I am fighting him at all costs. He isn't an easy foe. He has been ahold of me with fear, doubt, self-loathing. I'm fighting him with courage, faith in God's Words and self-love. He hasn't liked that. He wants to keep me trapped in my fear and doubt.

I will no longer allow myself to be bullied by these things. I have been taking HUGE steps towards my life. To gain my life back. To get back to a place of health and well-being. I am proud of the progress I've made, am proud of the progress I am continuing to make. I am thankful to God for His angels that He sends to help me. I am thankful for His promises. I am prayerful that I will remain faithful to His will for my life, and that I will continue to become stronger and stronger every day.

Peace ya'll!

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