Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Positive Thoughts and Self Talk. OY!

Ok, so yea I have THE best girlfriend on the PLANET! She goes with me to all my therapy sessions and then proceeds to encourage me with awesome gifts! The last session I was told I had to start positive self talk to re-enforce my confidence. Long story short I'm insecure and blame myself for everything. Yes, EVERYTHING. lol
So, Trink comes up with the great idea. She typed up all of these positive thoughts and sayings, she cut them into little strips and put them into a container for me to pick one everyday. So, each morning, I pick one out an reflect on it or laugh my behind off. It's helping, it really is. so far, these are what I've pulled.

1. I will NOT feel guilty for caring for myself.
2. Loving life increases my energy and passions.
3. I am in charge, I am responsible for the direction of my boat.
4. I will trust my soul it knows the way.
5. I will be proud of my strengths and nurture them.
6. I will look for the beauty in every problem I have to solve.
7. I ALWAYS deserve love.
8. I start great conversations effortlessly and easily.
9. I will NEVER please everyone and that's OK.
10. I project love to everyone I meet.
11. Today I take time to inhale peace and exhale fear.
12. The more I accept and love myself; the more I can accept and love others.

I feel corny sometimes saying these things out loud but it supposedly helps. Trink and I have been having a laugh with some of them. She's the best girlfriend EVER.

Well, that's it for today.

Peace ya'll!

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