Friday, September 29, 2006

R.I.P. Scraggely Opossum

Taking Katrina to work this morning we stopped for breakfast. Lana was so excited about her bacon. Me and Trink were both achy...too much stress in the house right now. Drivin along in our loaner car, (cuz our car had a total engine meltdown apparently). I turned down the nice quiet street heading to her office...

"donna watch out!!"

"OH MY GOD!!!" screech! Swerve! Crunch crunch....

"I killed him...I killed him!!"

"Donna it's ok...accidents happen. Stupid thing ran into the street..."

I'm in hysterics...I just killed an animal. Sure we joke about roadkill all the time. But I have NEVER been a part of creating it. Ya know? It's traumatising. Suddenly, I felt bad for it's family. Maybe he was just trying to get to work ya know? Minding his business. He didn't look up. I don't think he really knew what hit him. I felt it tho. I took his little life from him. And I feel really bad. What do you do in situations like this? I mean a card isn't really appropriate.

I have to say, I don't ever want to experience anything like that again.

So, little fuzzy, creepy looking thing, I am sorry for what happened today. I didn't mean to hurt you. We are all God's creatures even though we may not always understand each other.

I hope your family wasn't around....

Peace ya'll!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he was leaving an all-night binger cause those things are nocturnal.

God Bless all of God's creatures...