Monday, March 20, 2006

Skinny Dipping AGAIN

Good Grief the water was COLD. What is it about skinny dipping that people find so fascinating? LOL....the water was COLD.

So, just to catch you up, things have been going well. I wasn't able to make my last appointment because I hurt my back. I have no idea what happened. Couldn't possibly be the terrible bed that we have? Anyway, it's been going really well. I haven't had a severe panic attack since I started the new dose of Effexor...(Tom Cruise be DAMNED!) ROFLMAO!

It's also helping that my therapist is willing to go above and beyond to help me get over my fear and work my way through it. I guess it's mostly helping because I am letting myself be helped.

Now, remember back when I first started this thing? Some of you will recall the "deathtrap". Yes it's Baaaaaccckkkk....PIECE of SHIT!!!! Mind you the exercise is doing both of us some good, but I REALLY don't like being FORCED to exercise. We are starting a 2nd week of stair climbing. Same bullshit from the office, "It's getting fixed, we're getting it taken care of." YEAH RIGHT!! GGrr....I really hate that. We are paying an arm and a leg to live here and still they can't keep anything working.

Well, I think that's it for now....

Peace Ya'll! Have a blessed day!

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