Tuesday, February 28, 2006

<<< HI!!! >>>

Things have been going pretty good lately. I gotta say, something is shifting. Me and Trink have been happier, more relaxed about things.

I gotta tell ya, we had ZERO money this weekend, and ZERO food. WE were scraping sme change together to try and get some chicken for the week. On our way to the store, we checked the mail. In the mail, Katrina got a letter letting her know that she would be getting some money. Later that day, while I was walking the dog, I found a 20 dollar bill in the grass.

How COOL is GOD? Seriously? Just when we think that we are forgotten or things just can't get any worse along comes stuff like this. It's soo cool.

I hope everyone is well. Sorry I don't have much more to talk about. I'm loopy.

Peace Ya'll!

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