Thursday, November 10, 2005

^-^ ME and CHOCOLATE ^-^

Well, that says it all doesn't it?? Me and chocolate. I have a SERIOUS sweet tooth....and when I'm craving....there is NO stopping me. I gotta tell you....I have THE best girlfriend in the WORLD.....somehow she manages to love me....even when I eat chocolate that's not mine. I'm a nighttime, alone, emotional eater. I know I shouldn't be eating....(there are signs up everywhere) But I just can't stop myself....if there's nothing I like in the house....I don't's the solution right??? RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTT....and then I have to deny my girlfriend which I am really really bad at..... I'm amazed at how much she loves me really.... I would've kicked my own ass if I could still reach it....

Moving along to hellhole that is our KNEES are killing me....going down the stairs is way worse than coming up them. I asked our apartment manager when the "deathtrap" would be fixed, mind you that it was supposed to be fixed the week of WILMA, I figure that since its already on the schedule that would take place soon right? Her reply? "Next week sometime...maybe it's going to take a couple of weeks." THANK GOD we'll be in Arkansas visiting our ARKY family.....I'm looking forward to Turkey.....yum yum.....

Peace ya'll!

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