Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It's a MIRACLE!!!

The Deathtrap LIVES!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing!!

I've got to say, I really dispise living here, and since the storm...the place looks worse than ever. I really miss the trees and the bushes. However, I think it's amazing how people become less self involved when there's been a common disaster. I walked Lana yesterday morning and one of my neighbors was outside having a cigarette. As I was passing him he asked me how my apartment was and we ended up talking about all the events of the past couple of weeks. He's had it WAY worse than me. It's nice to know that people are concerned and that they're nice. Where I live you tend to look at everyone suspiciously. Sad but true.

So finally our door is fixed and the elevator is functioning. I got in with trepidation and was so excited when it opened on the first floor.

So, this weekend we will be up in Arkansas having a great time with the whole fam damily!!! YIPPEEE!! I'm looking forward to it...we'll see if the drama lessens any.

Will update when we get back!

PEACE ya'll!

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