Had 1 cup of Fiber1 cereal with 1 cup of lowfat Lactaid. Usually fills me up pretty good. Did a 2nd 15 minutes last night for a totally of 30 mins walk yesterday. I was pretty happy with myself. I had about 2 cups of left over pasta chicken and veggies for lunch. Some Crispix mix for a snack, and a grilled chicken ceaser salad for dinner. It was all very tasty.
Today I am feeling mostly okeedokee. My shoulder still hurts which causes the muscles all across the back to hurt when I walk. I did 20 mins this morning. I just kept telling myself to do one more, one more.....
I did a small meditative quiet time with my bible. I decided I'm going to read Phillipians....there's one verse in there that makes me feel better.. "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." I am trying to incorporate quiet time with God each morning. It's just as important to my well being as getting moving everyday and eating right. I'm really working hard at this.
Thanks for checkin in...
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