Monday, November 05, 2007

Starting again...

Ok so me and Trink starting our "routine" again. Pray that we can stick with it. It felt REALLY good to walk and get the blood pumping and not DIE. Yes, that's part of my anxiety. of course I have to work with the string-willed dog and her leash etiquette.

We walked from about 5:30 ish to 6pm ish.....I didn't look at the clock when we left, so tomorrow I will make sure that we do. We did a nice route around the complex. Luckily the weather is cooler now so we aren't dying of heat stroke.

Also, I sort of had a brain thing that if God waznts me, He's gonna take me when HE wants me not when I'm "ready" So, I need to stop being so afraid of life.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm excited about it.

Peace ya'll!

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