Sunday, October 23, 2005

**** Hurricane? What Hurricane?? ****

Well, Frannie Panics about most everything. The simplest things...being alone, stairs, the dark....but a Hurricane??? Nah! No big deal. Right now the storm is approaching to our West....and we're starting to get gusts here. The deathtrap is working....which I find humourous....and Lana is refusing to make a dootdoot....go fig!

The winds are picking up but we're fine. I'm more worried about my brother having to work in this weather. Such are the hazards of being a Miami Dade Police Officer... Ya know?

Well, I thought I would drop a note. I've got some pictures I'll post later because I carved my first Pumpkin this weekend. I'm so proud!


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Death Trap Update.....

Here is what the deathtrap looks like as we speak..... still not fixed and waiting for someone to come and fix it. Supposedly they will be here today to fix it...apparently they need an appraisal so they can replace the you know how long that will take??? UGH!!! FRICKIN A!

Here we go AGAIN!

Julio i sNO help. Lorette is NO help. We thought is was fixed? Are you sure it's not working? YES I'm SURE YOU IDIOT!!! WOuld I be wasting my time calling you if it was working? No! I would be getting on with my routine!

Here we are at 7am on Thrusday morning, with a broken elevator. STILL broken. I'm way too fat to be going up and down those stairs. My knee is already aching again. Poor puppy is so n eglected. Lana doesn't complain that she hasn't had her play time. I can see it in her eyes, she's soo disappointed. DAMN this place! Katrina contacted the county, so hopefully they will come out today to see just what we're talking about. The lady called yesterday to give me a bunch of numbers that won't help. I told her about the branch on the roof from Hurricane Katrina, not just a little twig but a HUGE, HONKIN LOG just hangin there waiting to bust through a window. That's good because then I can sue them!! Fuckers!!

Well, that's all I got this morning! Anyone see that episode of LOST???? WTF?!?!?!

-----PEACE YA'LL-----

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I swear if I could get out of this hell hole I would. I don't even care where we would go. It doesn't matter how many times you tell them that the damn elevator is broken they just aren't going to fix it! How many times do I have to call? I mean, it was working pretty good yesterday. And this morning, it is stuck half open on the first floor having not even come all the way down. I'm exhausted, and four flights of stairs is not good on this fat chicks body. I'm sure it's good for my heart....but holy CRAP!! I'm tired and sweaty and I can't convince my dog to go potty upstairs.

To top it all off....HURRICANE WILMA!!!! Cat 5.....should we run should we stay??? What do we do? If it hits us at that speed our apartment is TOAST! What are we gonna do with our animals? I'm not sure what to do.....I guess we'll figure it out this weekend....

Peace ya'll!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

>>> Death Trap Attacks Again <<<

Oy Vey! I'm cooking dinner last night and waiting for Trinket to get home. Hands covered with flour and gook the phone rings. I grab at because I know Trink stopped at the store.

"Hello?" I say.

"Guess where I am?" Trink's voice comes through the phone and terror streaks through my heart.


"The elevator. It's stopping and starting....."

"Hold on I'm coming!" O rush out of the house with the phone in my hand. I can see people around the doors on the first floor and my Trink is stuck somewhere in the middle. "Push buttons...push the door closed more..." I say into the phone.

"I'm just waiting for the doors to open on any floor so I can get out." She sounds pissed but calm.

The door opens on the 2nd floor and she is safe. I hang up the phone and immediately call the leasing office for the 3rd time today. "When is this elevator going to be fixed?" I yell into the phone.

"Ma'am, the gentlemen just left here not more than 1 hour ago."

"Someone just got stuck in it. My girlfriend just this moment got stuck in it. She's out but...hello!!!?"

"Ma'am she's out right? I will call them again."

"Thanks jerky!" CLick!

Trink is pissed and I hate this hell hole..... I can't wait to get out of here!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Another Monday Morning...

Yeah....mondays when I usually do laundry. Not today. I did it yesterday so my monday is free. To do....what?? Post here...babble fruitlessly? Yeah...I guess so. When is it gonna feel like fall around here? Florida is too hot. In November we're going to Arkansas for a visit. We can hardly wait. It's such a nice break for Trink. She likes to sit outside and watch the leaves. We're bringing Lana with us so she should have a whole lot of fun.

Well, not much to note this morning....Oooohhh!! I forgot...we got an Illyria doll this weekend to add to our Buffy/Angel collection!! Whoo hoo!!


Friday, October 14, 2005

>>>> Thoughtless Consciousness <<<<

Ever wake up in the morning feeling 'out of sorts'?
This morning I woke up with a crick on the wrong side of my pillow.
I thought I could stretch it out, and make it better.
My puppy was whinning though and my girlfriend was leaving.
Going to work on this fine Friday morning.
I miss her when she's not around. She's my spot of sanity.
The death trap released me on it's way up and Lana and I were safe.
Will we ever get out of this place? With the deathtrap, and pigeon shit?
Leave the disaster that is this hole behind?
My guitar leans in the corner begging to be played.
My paints are drying in their tubes....and my canvas sighs with need.

My days slip away from me in slumber, and thought. I write sometimes and watch the words crumble.
Her words were the only thing I could hear, and her hands were all that I could feel.
I strained to listen, to be touched by the things she said with her hands....
I fell from my pedastal when I leaned too far forward.
I fell on my knees and scrapped my pants. MY leg began to bleed.
I shrugged it off and smiled when I could still hear her words.
Soothing to my soul, and gentle on my skin. She made me smile and I realized she was mine.
I love you Trink!

Forever Amazon


Thursday, October 13, 2005


So, I tried the elevator of death this morning. The thought of trudging Lana up and down 4 flights of stairs so early in the morning makes me shiver. My girlfriend thoughtful called me from the car this morning to let me know that it was broken yet again. Did I heed her call? Did I listen to the loving thoughtfulness that she gave to me? No.... not at all.... me being the bright minded, brilliant savant that I am.... push the button... yes, the button of death. What follows is a re-enactment of what happened.....

Upon arriving at said death trap Lana knowingly pulls me toward the stairs. Nay I say, let us push the button. Having pushed the button and having no response from the "deathtrap", I descend the stairs much to Lana's joy. BUT! we are not done, we stop on each floor on the way down to push 'buttons'. 3rd floor....nothing..... 2nd floor....AHHHHH success!!! The door opens and I am happy.... (i do not want to climb the stairs back up.)

Knowing I shouldn't....Lana looking at me with those big brown eyes, pleading with me....{don't do it mommy}.... I ignore every voice shouting in my head....we step into the "box". I push another button and watch the doors close......
I am happy that I have figured out how to beat the demon....and we begin to ascend....{{{SKREECH}}} the box grinds to a halt. Between floors, ghetto purgatory. I ring the alarm, fruitlessly. I kow that no one will come to my rescue. Lana looks at me as if to say, 'I TRIED to tell you'.

Suddenly, I am superwoman, I am going to shove my dog through the emergency exit.........if it will open.....and she will become Lassie and run for help. Yes! This is the plan!

No, that didn't work.....she weighs about 55lbs....AND she doesn't speak English! DAMMIT!!!

I feel my chest constricting, my head hurts, what am I going to do. I push the alarm button again....I know it's pointless. In my fear, I jump up and down.... this is I want to die? I've got to breathe, {WHAT WOULD SYDNEY DO?} I push on the door, I pull on the door, I will pry it open with my super charged adrenaline..... nothing....not a budge....

So, I push to further encase myself in said trap of death. the thing begins to move..... jerkily.....and stops....again...... I will not panic..... Katrina will save me..... I know she will come for me...... Lana looks at me..... {{mommy....I've got to peee}}} This is the whole reason for our descent into stupidity. OH CRAP!!! My mind races..... I'm gonna be stuck in a hot, ickily-stenched elevator, with a full bladdered dog. Again, I feel my heart pounding and am more determined than ever to get out of this......

We shove the door closed again, and move, what I can only guess is a few more feet up..... the door opens and I leap out onto solid ground..... Lana follows less dramatically. Back on the 3rd floor...we traipse back down so my puppy can relieve herself.

On shakey legs we wobble to the area. She does her business, and I can only think..... CRAP! I DON'T WANT TO WALK BACK UP THE STAIRS!!!!

My new found freedom convinces me to take my tired, overly adrenaled ass up the stairs....Lana does not complain. She pulls me willingly up the stairs.... but I can not resist, my death wish not withstanding. On the third floor.....the button it calls to me...... I push it!......the doors open magically as if it knows that I am powerless against it. I do not enter....I push a button and step out. Listening as it groans and then stops yet again..... vindicated by my brilliance..... we trudge up the remaining flight.

Lana is happy....and I am feeling sooooo very.....stupid..... why do I never listen to the thoughtful advice of my lover?

Safe again....


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

View from the Loo

The view from my Loo. . . looks like I'm in prison.
The view from my Loo. . . looks like the dealers won't be out til later.
Thank God that the pigeons are gone and they took their shit with them.
Looks like a nice sky today,look at that blue. Lana thinks it might rain later. I don't believe her. Sometimes she lies just to get outside.
It doesn't look that high up even though it's the fourth floor. It is hot out today. I wish the elevator wasn't a death trap. oy!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lana Falana Dooda

This is Lana, her proper name is: Lana Mojo Lola JoJo Sydney Bristow. Yeah...whatever.....

My mind drifts in and out.

Up and down...with words.

Feelings rush in and out.

Up and down...with sadness.

Where is the missing chemical?

Where is the solution to my problem?

One pill in the morning, another one at night.

Is it right?

Will it help?

Does it?

Frickin doctors.

Paris Sickness.....

<---- Kixie.... my little companion thanks to Terry Moore. My third tattoo. Okay, so my rant: What is the deal with Paris Hilton? Seriously? Could there be a more obnoxiously, talentless person out there? Raise your hand if you're tired of these types of people being news. What is the fascination? I can't stand that her name is even in my mind and part of my vocabulary. I am so tired of seeing this girl on tv I can't even stand it! Everytime that I hear her name I change the channel. It's truly disheartening to think that this is what our little sisters, daughters, and neices are growing up with. There's this ridiculous new generation of wealthy, spoiled brats that we are rewarding. Rewarding for being arrogant, slutty, ignorant children. We are teaching our children that it's okay to be an asshole. And don't even get me started on MTV's, My Super Sweet 16....WTF?!?!?!?
