For breakfast 7 am. I had 1/4 C of Cottage Cheese and 2 slices of oven roasted turkey. Added 2 aspirins to my back is really tight. After breakfast I did 10 mins with the stretchy bands. working my arms and back. Trying to increase my activity level. Just a bit everyday. I will do 10 more mins again after lunch and that should be a good 20 mins for today. I know that I will feel better and look better doing this. I need to be consistent and persistent.
Positive Thought for the Day: I am my own unique self- special, creative, and wonderful!
Snack 10am. - 1/4 C trail mix and slice of Provolone cheese
Lunch 1pm. - cheese quesadillas and water.
10 mins with bands.
Dinner 6pm.... hopefully we will be having turkey tacos things with tomatoes..... as long as it's defrosted... lol
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
For the past 2 days I have been in a terrible funk. I thought we lost our cat Midnite..... she's about 19 yrs old. She loves to lay out back on our balcony and sun herself. It's one of her favorite things. For the last few days though, she's taken to laying outside the railing, making me very nervous.
Wednesday she was out there doing her usual thing, just laying there sunning and I thought nothing of it. Until dinner time when I fed the kitties and Midnite didn't come running as usual. I was a little worried at first, so I looked out back and she wasn't there, I looked in their room and she wasn't there. I began to panic. I starting tearing the house apart looking for her. Nothing. For 2 days I looked and looked, we put up fliers, and Lana and I traversed the neighborhood. We searched everywhere she could possibly be, IF she had fallen. We found nothing, not a sign, not a peep.
I was in hysterics, heartbroken and so was my Trinket, Midnite is her baby. This morning, I was about to head back into the kitty room having determined that she went somewhere to die and found a place to hide. I opened the back door for Lana....and there on the first floor (we live on the 4th) lying on a cable box is our kitty Midnite. Sunning herself like it's just another day in the neighborhood.
I have never run so fast in my life. I nearly killed myself. She was scared at first and then realized that it was me and I brought her upstairs to eat and drink.
Our hearts are whole again and our kitty is back safe and sound.
Thank GOD!!!
Peace ya'll!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Stillwater, West Coast

This is hella fun!!! hahahaha
Here's how The Band Meme goes. You are about to have your own band's CD cover. Follow these directions to the letter. Go to......
The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result as a comment in this post. Also, pass it along in your own journal because it’s more amusing that way.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My Sister The MORON....
So, there has been family drama going on lately and my sister is at the center of the chaos. Not that this has been a surprise to me, but the fact that she is following through with her outrageous threats is beyond me!
My sister, who's husband nearly killed her last year, broke her jaw, choked her, and almost stabbed her. She didn't press charges, she didn't put his ass in jail. She is at this moment trying to go back to him. In the meantime, she has decided that she would ruin my mother's life and make her more miserable than she already has. She has taken her anger and insanity out on my stepdad. Who has been an amazing father to her. He has put up with all of her bullshit and inconsideration for the last 8 years. She has threatened his livlihood, and my mother's happiness. I want to kick her ass, but she doesn't have the balls to call me.
I'm afraid that she's burned all the bridges leading to the people that care about her. She doesn't care about anything but herself and what she can get out of everyone.
UGH! I'm so frustrated I can't even really think straight. I just hope she comes to her senses before it's too late and he choices become irrevocable!
My sister, who's husband nearly killed her last year, broke her jaw, choked her, and almost stabbed her. She didn't press charges, she didn't put his ass in jail. She is at this moment trying to go back to him. In the meantime, she has decided that she would ruin my mother's life and make her more miserable than she already has. She has taken her anger and insanity out on my stepdad. Who has been an amazing father to her. He has put up with all of her bullshit and inconsideration for the last 8 years. She has threatened his livlihood, and my mother's happiness. I want to kick her ass, but she doesn't have the balls to call me.
I'm afraid that she's burned all the bridges leading to the people that care about her. She doesn't care about anything but herself and what she can get out of everyone.
UGH! I'm so frustrated I can't even really think straight. I just hope she comes to her senses before it's too late and he choices become irrevocable!
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Back from Vaca Updatey!!
Ok, so we had a couple of hectic months. Loss of our bunny and all the holiday traveling. So, here's a little something from our recent trip to Cleveland. I am quite proud of my accomplishment BTW. For starters, we left about 1:30 on the 21st. There was a beautiful rainbow on our way out of town that we TRIED to get a picture of. Didn't work.... But here are a few taken from our trip up....
These were moslty taken in Virginia gong through the mountains which I was driving. It was freezing and FOGGY and I was TERRIFIED. I could barely see 5 feet in front of me. I got through it tho. I loved seeing the snow on the ground in the fields. I didn't really get to enjoy it while driving. Thank Goodness that Trink was takin pictures for me.
I can't believe how good Lana was. She just was so patient waiting to get out of the car. The Drive wasn't so bad, we stopped in North Carolina overnight. Made it to Cleveland about 3:30 the next day dispite a wrong turn. LOL. I was so happy to see snow on the ground at Jason's place. Lana got out and jumped right over the snow not sure what to make of it. We played for a little so she could stretch her legs. It was fun.
Jason and Michaels place, is gorgeous! I can't believe I didn't get MORE pictures than I did. I'm soo BAD!! I took a bunch of pictures of the kids and did get SOME video though. We had a good time. Trink got a 24 hr bug that was no fun, but after that we were good to go. Had Christmas lunch at Aunt Rose's and Uncle Nick's. HOLY COW Italian families serve ALOT of food. I swear all we did while we were there was eat. GREAT FOOD, but eat eat eat. SHEESH!!
I'm fighting a cold myself right now, so I will post more about our trip later with more pictures. Not that anyone is really tazlkin to myself!! hahahah
Peace ya'll! Hope everyone had a SAFE happy Holiday.
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