Not to sound excited or anything....(note the sarcasm...) The deathtrap may actually be fixed sometime soon....
Yeah that's what I said. {insert various sounds of doubt} I've seen them working on it...I think. I mean there were several guys huddled around the open door. The promise has continued to be the end of this month...wait...isn't that tomorrow? You mean it will be fixed tomorrow?!?! YIPPEE!! Shee-ya! right... what's todays date?

<----These are the lies we've been told.
Nevermind I guess...two fat chicks walkin up and down four flights of stairs....who cares? Good exercise. Right? Yeah...PLECH! I'm done hoping. However...I am NOT done BITCHING! I will continue to harass, prode, poke, demand, and insist that this unjustice be corrected!! HUZZAH!!!!
Peace ya'll!