Brian Dean, whom we all call Dean decorated a wooden cross for me with my name and some flowers by hand. He pen drew them on. This is a man that I did not have good feelings about and here he surprised me with a gift that meant something to him and to me. It was a surprise.
Our friends Brandon and Micki had just gotten back from Barcelona where they purchased candy and a change purse for was sooo cute.
Shannon got me a paint by numbers set so that I could practice my painting. He's soo good about gifts.
Jaime got me $25 Tate dollars which are always useful.
June bought dinner.
and Salty got me a drinking game, and some shot glasses...soo cute!
I truly love our friends and how much we all get along. They even got Jaime, June and I a birthday cake. Did I mention that our brithdays all fall around the same time? Jaime (15th), Me (19th), and June (21st). We celebrated together!

Left to right is Jaime, Me and June
at Ruby Tuesdays...
And our Cake....

Just for the record Costco makes and AMAZING Cake...Cream Cheese frosting and all!! WHOOO!!! Like the rainbow? lol
Then this weekend Katrina and I went to see X-men the last stand YEEHAW!! soo good...and today we went and finally saw the DaVinci Code...they were very true to the book. So exciting.
Therapy has been going really well. I think I am finally allowing her to help me instead of fighting against her. I'm working really hard toward getting over these issues.
Thanks for the constant prayers. I love ya's!
Peace Ya'll!